Preparedness is a Priority
Being prepared for disasters, natural or man-made, is a public health priority. Being prepared and knowing what to do will make all the difference when seconds count in an emergency. Here you can find information on how to prepare an emergency supply kit, develop family communications and emergency plans, stay informed during an emergency and get information about the various natural and man-made disasters that could occur in our area.
Download Umpqua Prepared, Our Newly Published Family Emergency Preparedness Handbook HERE
Preparedness Skills Inventory Worksheet
Download Senior Emergency Preparedness Checklist HERE
Descargue la lista de verificación de preparación para emergencias para personas mayores AQUÍ
DPHN works with healthcare organizations and other agencies across our county to assist in preparedness education, identify community needs, and maximize existing preparedness resources and networks.
The FEMA site www.ready.gov has some great resources on how to be prepared.
What can you do?
- Be informed of local disaster possibilities
- Sign up for local emergency alerts here.
- Make a plan
- Build a kit
Stay Informed
- Sign up for local emergency notifications here.
- FlashAlert notifications for media and the public for the local area are available here.
- Air Quality alerts and updates with DEQ are here.
- Air Quality alerts with OregonAir are available on your smartphone in a free mobile app from OregonAir, just search for OregonAir in your app store.
- The DOGAMI Hazard viewer here also has information on Geohazards.
- Weather alerts can be viewed with weather.gov here.
Hazards (natural, technological and/or caused by humans)
Be Informed, know what disasters affect Douglas County, how to get emergency alerts and where you’d go if you and your family need to evacuate. See the links below for what to do and how to plan for hazards.
- Active Shooter
- Avalanche
- Bioterrorism
- Chemical Emergencies
- Cyber Security
- Drought
- Earthquake
- Explosions
- Extreme Heat
- Flooding
- Hazardous Materials Incidents
- Home Fire
- Household Chemical Emergencies
- Landslides
- Nuclear Explosion & Radiation
- Pandemic
- Power Outages
- Snowstorms & Extreme cold
- Space Weather
- Thunderstorms & Lightening
- Tornadoes
- Tsunami
- Volcanoes
- Wildfires
- Get Ready
- Be Firewise, protect your home
- Oregon Health Authority Wildfires & Smoke
Recovering from a disaster
Recovering after a disaster is often a gradual process with safety being an important focus. Recovery resources are provided here.

Kids and Preparedness
Disasters and emergencies happen to every member of our family, and even kids can prepare!
The ready.gov site for kids is here, it includes many resources for kids, teens, parents and educators.
- Games and how to engage kids in creating a preparedness kit are here.
- Build a Kit Game
- Disaster Master Game, including wildfire, winter storm, thunderstorm and heat events
- Ready 2 Help card game teaches 5 simple steps to stay safe in an emergency
- Order the cards and companion book if here
- Resource library for engaging kids and youth in preparedness
- Helping children cope with disasters here
- Encourage dialogue and answer questions
- Limit media exposure
- Make time for them
- Keep to a routine
Youth Preparedness
- Include youth in preparedness conversations
- Be informed, make a plan, build a kit and get involved
- Know the emergency plan for your child’s school and child care facility
- Practice evacuation plans
- Learn how to help youth cope during and after an emergency
- Ensure youth have emergency contacts memorized or written down
- Teach youth when and how to call 911