Report a Communicable Disease

To Report Electronically (Healthcare Professionals Only):

Fill in the information in this form: click here

When information is entered, it will get imported into Orpheus (Oregon State Disease Surveillance System), and we will be notified.

To Report by Phone or Fax:

During working hours (Monday to Friday, 8AM-5PM):
Call:  541-677-5814  or  Fax (secure): 541-464-3914

After hours:
Call: 541-440-4471

What to Report:

Per Oregon State Statutes, all physicians, healthcare providers, and laboratories are required to report all “reportable” diseases to DPHN. This encompasses not only lab-confirmed cases; but also all clinically suspect cases, including unconfirmed cases with pending lab results. Where no health care provider is in attendance, any individual knowing of such a case shall report in a similar manner. DPHN adheres to guidelines as set forth by the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) which can be found linked below.

Oregon State Statutes
Oregon Investigative Guidelines

Remember: All reports should be made to the patient’s local health department. Reports on patients who are out-of-state residents can be made to the patient’s local health department or directly to the Oregon Health Authority by phone at (971) 673-1111 or fax at (971) 673-1101.

Disease Reporting posters:
For Clinicians
For Laboratories
HAI (Healthcare-Associated Infections) (OHA & CMS requirements)
CRE (Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae)